Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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appurtenance (plural) equipment or instruments used for a given purpose; gear.
collateral property or other security put forward to guarantee repayment of a loan.
dawdle to waste time; be slow.
despoil to forcefully take belongings or goods from; plunder.
deterge to cleanse, wash, or wipe off.
extempore without plan or preparation; impromptu or improvised.
festoon a decorative chain or strip of ribbons, flowers, leaves, or the like, suspended at the ends and hung in a curve.
flagitious viciously or shamefully wicked; infamous.
gird to surround, bind, or encircle, as with a belt.
guru in a cult or religious movement, a spiritual guide or leader, sometimes believed to be divine.
immiscible not able to be mixed or blended.
inculcate to cause to accept an idea or value; imbue.
perquisite a payment or benefit in addition to the wages or salary associated with a position.
profligate totally given over to immoral and shameful pursuits; dissolute.
repose2 to put or place (confidence, hope, or the like) in someone or something.