Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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client one who pays for the services of another.
compliment an expression of praise, admiration, or approval.
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams.
illegal against the law or rules; not lawful.
mechanical made of or having to do with machines.
muzzle the part of the head of some animals that contains the nose, jaws, and mouth.
omen something that is believed to be a sign of future good or evil.
prevent to keep or stop from happening.
proof any material that proves something is true or real.
property all of one's possessions taken as a whole, or a part of those possessions.
roost a perch on which birds rest or sleep, or a place containing such perches.
satisfaction a pleasant feeling that comes from completing something and doing it well.
stocky thick, sturdy, and often short in build or form; stout.
tentacle a long thin body part on the head or around the mouth of some animals. Tentacles are used for feeling or taking hold of things.
threat a statement that harm or punishment will follow.