Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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backyard an open area behind a house that belongs to the owner of the house.
coin a piece of metal money that is small, flat, and round.
female being a member of the sex that produces eggs and gives birth.
inner located inside.
mark a spot, line, or other shape that can be seen on a surface.
never not at any time; not at all.
nurse a person whose job is to care for sick and injured people.
odor a smell, often a bad one.
scarce not being enough; not easy to get.
servant a person whose job is to clean another person's house, cook their food, or help them in other ways in their home, often living in the home also.
shore the land beside an ocean, sea, lake, or river.
tone a single sound in music or a sound that is similar to music.
trunk the main stem of a tree.
wool the thick, soft hair of sheep and some other animals, which is often used by people to make fabric for clothes, blankets, and other things.
worried feeling trouble or anxiety about something that might happen.