Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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cellar a room that is built under the ground. People use it for storing things.
chart a sheet that gives information in the form of a table or graph.
cousin the son or daughter of an aunt or uncle.
cure something that makes a sick person healthy or well.
elevator a device that carries people or things from one floor to another in a building. An elevator is like a small room or platform that moves up and down.
enemy a person who hates or wants to harm another.
handle to do what needs to be done with something or someone; manage; control.
impossible not able to happen or to be done.
leave1 to go away from a place.
mixture something that is made by two or more things that are mixed together.
mountain a land mass with great height and steep sides. It is much higher than a hill.
rim the edge or border of something round or circular.
spice a substance from a plant that has a special taste. Spices are used to add flavor to food and drink.
station the place where a person or thing is normally found.
truck a large motor vehicle used for carrying heavy loads.