Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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complicate to make more difficult to do or understand.
drape to decorate or cover with a cloth that hangs in folds.
fatigue the condition of being tired in body or mind.
focus to direct one's attention or efforts towards one thing; concentrate.
forlorn desolate or unhappy, as from abandonment or weariness.
hibernate to sleep through the winter in a den or burrow to save energy. Bears, snakes, and certain other animals hibernate.
ledge a narrow part like a shelf that comes out of a wall.
persuade to cause to do something by using reason or argument.
reap to cut down and gather.
residential used as a home or as a place for homes.
screw a metal fastener that is like a nail with grooves that wind around it. A screw can be driven into a surface by turning it while pressing down on the head.
strum to play by running the fingers in a light way across the strings.
stutter to repeat sounds when speaking, as if unable to complete or begin certain words.
unity the condition of being united or of acting as one.
vapor tiny particles of a liquid or solid in a gas.