Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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associate to connect with something else in one's mind.
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, especially one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
crypt a burial chamber or underground vault, especially one beneath a church.
dislodge to remove or force out of a fixed position.
extract a strong, concentrated form of a substance.
fathom to get to the bottom of or understand completely.
gross rude or disgusting.
isolate to set apart or separate so as to be alone.
opposition the act or state of being against, or the state of having someone against another.
proposal a suggested plan.
region a large space or area.
sentiment a way of thinking or feeling about something.
solitude the condition of living or being by oneself.
tuition the charge for being taught at a college or private school.
vagabond having no permanent home; wandering from place to place; nomadic.