Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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calculate to find out by using arithmetic; compute.
chaos a state, condition, or place of complete confusion or disorder.
chronicle an account of events, told in the order in which those events took place.
deprecate to disparage or treat as having small value; depreciate.
element a part of any whole.
escapade a wild adventure or prank, usually mischievous or mildly wicked.
exempt to free from something that others are always required to do; excuse.
facility a building made or used for a particular activity.
harmony being in agreement; unity.
icon a person or thing that people recognize as a symbol of something and is an object of great respect and admiration.
lubricate to coat or supply with grease, oil, or another slippery substance.
melancholy a feeling of sadness or depression.
merge to mix or combine into a single unit.
mobility the quality of moving or being moved easily from place to place, or of having ease and flexibility of motion.
pact an agreement or a sworn promise.