Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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afterward at a later time.
blouse a loose shirt for women.
bookcase a set of shelves for holding books.
equal having the same value, measure, or amount as something else.
forever continuing for all time.
guest a person who visits another person's home.
hurry to move or act with speed.
later at some following time or future time.
newspaper a set of large sheets of paper with reports about recent events, advertisements, and other information. Most newspapers are printed and sold every day or once a week.
nor a word we often use along with the word "neither" in a sentence. "Neither" means not either of two things. If neither your mother nor your father says you can have a dog, then not one of your parents says you can have one.
pale light in color.
rod a straight, thin stick or bar.
rush to act or go fast; hurry.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.
treatment the way a person acts toward another person or thing.