Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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altitude the height of a thing above earth or above sea level.
battery a device that makes electricity by using chemical reactions. Batteries are used to power many things, including cars, flashlights, toys, and watches.
blackmail money demanded from someone by another person who threatens to give out information that would harm that person.
confusion the state of not understanding clearly or of being mixed up.
continent one of the earth's seven major areas of land. The continents are Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America, and South America.
decrease to become less or smaller.
display anything put out in order to be seen by others.
frontier a border between two countries, or the area nearby on either side.
hygiene the practice of keeping clean to stay healthy and prevent disease.
impostor a person who cheats or tricks others by pretending to be another person.
invasion an act or instance of invading by an enemy or hostile army.
leisure freedom from work or other duties that take time and effort; free time.
pad a piece of soft material used as cushioning for protection or comfort.
repetition the act or process of doing or saying again.
scoop a tool with a short handle attached to a deep, curved bowl, used to take up food or grain.