Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alongside by the side of; next to; beside.
cocky sure of oneself in a rude way; arrogant.
currently at the present time; now.
dent a small hollow made in a surface by or as if by pressure or a blow.
doodle to draw or scribble without purpose.
fancy something pictured in the mind or wished for that may not be based on reason or real life.
grammatical of or having to do with the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language.
mammoth a very large extinct mammal closely related to elephants. Mammoths were much bigger than elephants, and had shaggy black fur and long tusks that curved upward. Several kinds of mammoths lived in the Northern Hemisphere until the end of the last Ice Age.
plod to move in a slow, tired, or heavy way.
protection the act of keeping something safe from harm or the condition of being protected.
resume to start again after stopping.
stout having physical strength; sturdy; thick.
tactic a technique or maneuver used for achieving a goal, especially in battle.
vocal performed by singing.
wee very small or tiny.