Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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attest to show or prove the truth of.
bachelor a man who has not married.
balmy soft, mild, and soothing.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
handicraft skill at making things by hand.
hovel a small, uncomfortable, dirty house or hut.
immune protected from a disease, either naturally or by getting a vaccine.
jeer to remark in a loud, mocking, abusive manner.
poverty the condition of being poor; a lack of money.
profile an outline or view of something from the side.
pry1 to be too curious about another person's private life.
random made or done without purpose or pattern; made or done by chance.
revive to bring back into use or popularity.
severity strictness; harshness.
spectacular of or having to do with a spectacle; splendid; marvelous.