Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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acclaim to show enthusiastic approval of.
bilious ill-tempered; irritable.
celibate abstaining from sexual relations, especially because of having taken a vow.
contentious inclined to argue; quarrelsome; belligerent.
discursive ranging over numerous topics, especially in an orderly or coherent way.
esoteric understood or known only by a few persons who have special training, access, or interests.
impede to slow or block the movement or progress of; hinder.
informant one who reports or confides what he or she knows to another; source.
lobbyist one who attempts, on behalf of a special interest group, to influence the way legislators vote.
reformatory a corrective institution for disciplining and re-educating young offenders.
regimen a regulated routine of therapy or exercise designed to promote health or fitness.
skirmish a minor or preliminary battle between small military units.
uniformity the state or quality of being uniform; overall sameness.
utilitarian of, concerning, or aiming at usefulness.
wrangle to win or obtain by quarreling.