Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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buoy a float attached by line to the bottom of a body of water to mark a location.
cancellation the act of omission, deletion, or invalidation.
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
enterprise a plan or project that is risky, bold, or difficult to carry out; undertaking.
gale a strong wind of about thirty to sixty miles per hour.
herald a person who conveys or announces official news; messenger.
historian one who writes about or is an expert on history.
hover to stay hanging in the air, often by quick flapping or spinning.
lament to mourn for or regret.
mar to damage or spoil, especially on the surface or face, but not severely.
offset to make up for or balance.
predictive indicating future events.
refrain1 to hold oneself back; to not enter into a particular action; desist; forbear (often followed by "from").
refund to return or pay back.
stabilization the process of making or becoming steady or even, and keeping at a certain level or degree.