Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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composure calmness in thinking or acting; self-control.
crucial very important; deciding the success or failure of something.
crusade (often capitalized) any of the wars between European Catholics and Middle Eastern Muslims between 1095 and 1291. During these wars, the Catholics tried to take territory away from the Muslims.
devise to invent or think out.
disarm to take away the weapons of; divest of the means of attack or defense.
ethnic of or relating to a group of people who share the same culture, race, or nationality.
execution the act of executing or carrying out.
inspiration a person or thing that motivates, uplifts, or gives one the confidence to do something; someone or something that inspires.
metropolitan having to do with a large city and the communities around it.
migration the act or process of moving to another region to live, especially in a group.
ornery mean; stubborn.
prevail to emerge as dominant (often followed by "over").
tenant a person or group that occupies or uses another's house, office, building, or land, especially in exchange for rent.
toxicity the condition, property, or fact of being poisonous or containing poisonous substances.
vex to annoy or irritate.