Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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cacophonous characterized by a discordant, sometimes unpleasant, mixture of sounds.
creditor someone to whom money is owed.
dispensary a room in an institution, such as a hospital, in which medical supplies are kept and given out.
embody to put in a form that can be seen; make real.
ephemeral lasting for only a short period.
exude to emit or give off from, or as if from, the pores of the skin.
flippant disrespectful or indifferent to someone or something worthy of respect; shallowly humorous.
fraudulent characterized by or based on the use of deceit or trickery.
gallantry admirable courage.
indisposed slightly and temporarily ill, as with indigestion or a cold.
invertebrate without a backbone
maritime of or relating to sea ships or navigation of the sea.
penurious extremely needy or poor; poverty-stricken.
perspicacity keenness of mental perception or grasp; astuteness.
recession1 a period of reduced or declining economic activity.