Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appoint to name to a particular office or duty.
background all of a person's experience, education, and origins.
diet the food and drink usually eaten and drunk by a person or animal.
discomfort a condition of being uneasy or in pain.
etiquette rules for good behavior and manners.
examine to look at closely and carefully.
extinguish to put out; stop the burning of.
hesitation the act of pausing because of not feeling sure.
imaginative having or showing an ability to conceive of things that do not exist; creative.
mature fully grown.
plastic an artificial substance made from certain kinds of chemicals that can be easily shaped when soft. Plastic is formed into many materials and products.
positive certain; sure.
ramble to wander or stroll without any particular goal; roam.
scour1 to clean by rubbing hard.
suggest to put forth for thinking about; propose.