Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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borrow to take with the promise to return or replace.
carnivore an animal that eats the flesh of other animals.
develop to bring out the potential of; advance to a more complete or more effective condition.
differently in another or new way.
disrespect rudeness; contempt.
example something that shows what a group of things is like.
existence the condition of being alive or real.
foe one who wishes ill on another; personal enemy.
garlic a strong smelling plant related to the onion. Its bulbs are used for seasoning.
genial cheerful and friendly.
globe the world; planet Earth.
neuter lacking a sexual aspect; asexual.
reaction an action or response to something that has happened or has been done.
update to provide (someone) with new or current information.
warehouse a large building or other place where products or private goods are stored.