Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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baggage suitcases, bags, or trunks used to carry things during travel.
beard the hair that grows on the face, especially on the chin.
cheap having a low price.
deal to handle or give your attention to.
eager wanting very much.
fierce wild and dangerous.
handkerchief a small piece of thin cloth that you use to clean your nose.
inspector one who inspects, usually as a job for pay.
joy a strong feeling of being happy.
ladder a structure with steps that you use to climb up to high places. You can move a ladder from one place to another.
paddle an oar with a wide, flat blade and long handle. A paddle is used with both arms for moving a small boat through the water. A paddle is not attached to the boat.
peck2 to strike, or pick up quickly with the beak.
people all persons who belong to the same community, country, religion, or race.
self one's own being, character, and nature.
shelter a place or structure that gives protection against weather or danger.