Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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cinema the art or business of making movies.
container something, such as a box, barrel, or can, that holds or can hold something else.
croak to make a low, hoarse sound with the voice.
expression the appearance of one's face at a particular moment that communicates how one feels.
gangway a path into, out of, around, or through something; passageway.
history everything that has happened in the past to people or things, or a telling of these events.
intricate having many complex parts, angles, or aspects; involved; elaborate.
lively full of life or energy.
medal a flat, small piece of metal that has a design or words stamped on it, used as an honor or reward.
ooze to leak out slowly. Liquids, gases, and sounds may ooze.
stout having physical strength; sturdy; thick.
tissue a group of cells in an animal or plant body that are like each other and do similar things.
trickle to fall or flow in drops or in a thin, weak stream.
whip to strike or beat with quick, repeated strokes with a long, thin strap, or a rod.
worth good or important enough for.