Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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autograph the name of a person, especially a famous person, written in his or her own handwriting.
barren not able to produce or support growth.
burden something that is carried or difficult to bear.
cripple to cause a serious injury in.
deserve to be worthy of or have a right to.
expertise a high level of knowledge or skill.
frustrate to prevent from happening or being done.
loose not held back; free.
modest not thinking too highly of oneself; humble.
motherhood the state of being a female parent.
pillar a tall column shaped like a cylinder that is used to support a structure or to serve as a decoration or monument.
rummage to make a thorough search by turning over and looking through the contents of.
thorn a short, stiff point on a plant stem or branch.
tuft a group or clump of long strands that are attached at one end and loose at the other. Yarn, hair, and grass are some strands that can form tufts.
visitor one who comes to see someone or something.