Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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chaste not having committed fornication or adultery.
chattel any article of property not attached to lands or buildings; movable property.
contortion a straining or twisting by the intellect; mental gymnastics.
depose to deprive of rank or office, especially from an important position such as that of king.
discursive ranging over numerous topics, especially in an orderly or coherent way.
ensue to occur as the result of an earlier event.
exigent requiring immediate attention; urgent or critical.
fallacy a false or misleading idea or notion, especially one that is commonly held.
infelicity the quality or condition of being inappropriate, or unfortunate in the given circumstances.
interpose to insert (a comment, question, criticism, or the like) in the course of a conversation or speech.
intonation the pattern of changes in pitch of the speaking or singing voice.
ornamentation decoration; embellishment.
peruse to read or examine attentively and in detail.
superimpose to set or lay on top of or above something.
wanton lacking restraint in the pursuit of sexual pleasure.