Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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dangle to hang or swing loosely.
desperate not caring about danger because of great need.
dictionary a book, or a source of information found on a computer, that lists the words of a language in alphabetical order, along with information about their meaning, spelling, and pronunciation.
employee someone who works for a person or business in return for pay.
experience to go through; feel or know.
identical the exact same.
improve to make better.
readily promptly or easily.
repeatedly again and again; many times in a row.
reserve to hold back or save for later use.
scour1 to clean by rubbing hard.
squish to make a splashing or spluttering sound when squeezed or walked on, as mud.
truant absent from school without permission.
workshop a room or building in which a particular kind of work is done, usually involving manual or mechanical skills.
wrench to damage or hurt by twisting.