Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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askew not straight; crooked.
buttress a structure built to give support to the outside of a building or a wall.
devious not the straightest, most direct way; winding; roundabout.
discordant in conflict or disagreement.
disputation the act or process of arguing or debating a topic.
egotist a conceited person; braggart.
enclave a small territory or country mostly or completely surrounded by another.
feral existing in a wild natural state; not domesticated.
habituate to make accustomed to.
matriculate to enroll or be enrolled in an organization, especially a college or university.
mendacious untruthful.
reclaim to recover the use of (land areas) by draining, hydrating, or otherwise reconditioning so that the land can be used for agriculture or other purposes.
subsume to classify, consider, or include (an idea, proposition, or the like) in a more comprehensive or general category or principle.
taciturn habitually silent and uncommunicative.
ungovernable unable to be governed, ordered, or controlled; uncontrollable.