Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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atrophy a gradual wasting away of a body part, especially from insufficient use or nourishment.
beneficiary one who receives or is formally designated to receive money or property, as from a will or insurance policy.
condescend to act as if one were of superior rank or station, treating others as inferior; patronize.
copious abundant in number or quantity; plentiful.
demur to object or indicate opposition to something.
diminution the act, process, or result of decreasing or declining.
discontinuance the act of stopping or condition of being stopped; interruption.
intercede to act as a mediator in a dispute or disagreement.
paragon a model of excellence or of a particular admirable quality.
partisan devoted to or favoring a particular cause, group, political party, or the like.
precedent an action that may serve as an example for future acts of the same nature.
prodigal imprudent and excessive in spending; extravagant.
quibble an unimportant, petty, or trivial disagreement or objection.
recrimination an accusation made in response to being accused by another, or the act of countering one accusation with another.
tedium the state or condition of being dull, boring, or wearisome; monotony.