Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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agent a person who has been given the power to do certain actions for another person.
association a group of people joined together for a common purpose or by a shared interest.
classical having to do with the complex music of the European tradition that is neither folk nor popular music.
deduct to subtract from another amount or sum.
endless having or seeming to have no end; without limits; infinite.
foul very unpleasant to taste, smell, or look at.
guzzle to drink or eat very quickly and in a large amount, as if greedy or in great need.
hurl to throw with force.
lame not able to walk well; disabled.
loyalty the condition of being faithful or true to someone or something.
mature fully grown.
old-fashioned looking or being like past styles, manners, or ways of behaving.
rustle to make soft, hissing sounds like things rubbing together.
succeed to have a good or favorable result; do well.
symbol an object or picture that represents something else.