Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acquire to get or come to have as one's own.
cemetery a place where the dead are buried; graveyard.
colony a place where a group of people come to settle which is under the control of their home country.
compliment an expression of praise, admiration, or approval.
creep to move with the body close to the ground; crawl.
fluid a liquid or gas. A fluid flows easily and takes the shape of the container that holds it. Water and air are fluids.
gratitude the feeling of being thankful; gratefulness.
hilarious very funny.
lug to pull, lift, or carry with a great effort.
merchandise goods for buying and selling.
reaction an action or response to something that has happened or has been done.
reap to cut down and gather.
resume to start again after stopping.
salary a fixed amount of money paid at regular times for the work a person has done.
wit (often plural) the ability to understand, think, or know.