Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affection a friendly feeling of liking or loving someone or something.
cling to stick closely.
customer a person who buys products or services.
deepen to make or become deep or deeper.
digest to break down into materials that can be absorbed and used by the body.
hurricane a powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more.
lifestyle the general way of life of a person or group, including typical jobs and activities, attitudes towards work and money, values, and the like.
lounge to lie or sit in a lazy way (often followed by "around").
majority the greater number or amount; a number or amount greater than half.
omen something that is believed to be a sign of future good or evil.
penitentiary a prison for people who have been found guilty of serious crimes.
previous coming just before another.
tattle to tell secrets or give information about another person.
value the worth of something in money, goods, or services.
vine a plant having a long, thin, woody stem that climbs up a support or creeps along the ground.