Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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baleful threatening harm; full of malice; ominous.
banal lacking originality or liveliness; disappointingly ordinary; commonplace; trite.
barrage a great number of things coming one after another very quickly.
deposition a sworn statement, usually in writing, for use as testimony by an absent witness in a court of law.
dissemble to disguise or hide behind a false semblance; conceal the true nature or state of.
ersatz serving as a substitute, especially when of inferior quality.
figurehead a person whose title sounds important but who has no real power.
froward unwilling to agree or obey; stubborn; perverse.
homily any discourse offering moral advice or admonitions.
ineptitude incompetence; lack of skill.
intelligentsia the elite class of highly learned people within a society, or those who consider themselves part of such a class.
nonplus to cause (someone) to be unable to think of what to say, do, or decide; perplex; bewilder.
nostrum a favorite but unproven scheme or theory, offered as a remedy for social or political problems; panacea.
oppugn to oppose, contradict, criticize, or call into question.
virago a shrewish, domineering woman; nag or scold.