Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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availability the condition of being ready and able to be used.
carriage a vehicle with wheels that is covered or enclosed and is used for carrying people.
character all those things that make a person, place, or thing different from others.
educate to provide knowledge, training, and guidance to.
enrich to make wealthier.
fraction a part or very small part of a whole.
frequency the number of times something happens within a certain period of time.
growth the process of becoming larger through natural development.
journalism the work of collecting news and information and giving it out to the public through newspapers, magazines, radio, television, or other media.
merchandise goods for buying and selling.
outright complete or total.
racial having to do with a race of people.
scoop a tool with a short handle attached to a deep, curved bowl, used to take up food or grain.
soul the part of human beings separate from the physical body that is thought of as the center of feeling, thought, and spirit.
unravel to undo; reduce from cloth to threads; cause to come apart.