Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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amalgamate to combine or blend into a single unit.
belligerent having a fighting character; aggressive.
complaisance willingness to please.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
culpable guilty of a mistake or fault; blameworthy.
ensue to occur as the result of an earlier event.
figurative not meant to be interpreted in a literal way; metaphorical.
fissure a narrow crevice or other opening, especially one caused by splitting.
fulsome offensive, especially because of excessiveness or insincerity.
infatuation the condition of being deprived of judgment by an irrational or foolish attachment to someone or something.
iniquity great injustice or wickedness.
mania an extreme desire or enthusiasm.
myopic unable to see objects clearly from a distance; nearsighted.
opulent having or displaying wealth and luxury.
reformatory a corrective institution for disciplining and re-educating young offenders.