Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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bitter having a strong taste that is neither sweet nor sour.
boss a person who gives work to other people and tells them what to do; manager.
course the direction or way along which something moves.
game something done for fun or amusement; play.
grade to rate for correctness or quality, usually by giving a letter or score.
leader a person who directs or guides others or who has the most power in a group.
matter all substances of the universe that can be seen, touched, or measured.
peel to pull, tear, or cut the outer covering from something.
siren a warning device that makes a loud, piercing noise.
soft easy to bend or shape; not firm or hard.
swim to move through water by moving parts of the body.
tow to pull along at the end of a rope or chain.
trousers a garment for the lower parts of the body from waist to ankle that covers each leg; pants; slacks.
uphill on an upward slope or in an upward direction.
waist the part of the body between the chest and hips.