Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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article a single thing; one item out of a group of similar objects.
assume to suppose (something) to be true without knowing the actual facts; take for granted.
cocky sure of oneself in a rude way; arrogant.
glamorous full of or characterized by fascination, allure, or excitement.
legal of or having to do with law.
muffle to make quieter by using a covering of some sort.
nominee a person or thing that has been nominated for an office or honor.
oath a serious promise.
precision the state of being accurate or exact.
rank1 an office or position.
request the act of asking for something.
serious marked by careful thinking or consideration.
subtract to take away from a whole or larger amount.
thaw to go from being a frozen solid to being a soft solid or a liquid.
wield to handle and use (a weapon, tool, or the like), especially with power or control.