Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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alcove a partly enclosed area of a room.
clique a small, often aggressively exclusive group of friends or associates.
compassion a feeling of sharing another's suffering that leads to a desire to help.
consort a wife or husband, especially of a royal personage.
criminality the condition or fact of being against the law; illegality.
culmination the highest point; zenith; climax.
disputation the act or process of arguing or debating a topic.
esoteric understood or known only by a few persons who have special training, access, or interests.
insidious dangerous through cunning, subtlety, and underhandedness.
revert to return to a previous state, practice, belief, or the like.
secular of or concerning the world and material concerns as opposed to religious or spiritual concerns; temporal.
spontaneous happening in a free way; not forced.
stupor a state of unconsciousness, insensibility, or torpor.
subvert to overthrow or destroy, or cause the destruction of (an established authority, especially a national government).
unspoken assumed without being expressed or spoken; implied.