Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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boundary something that marks the edge or limit.
broad wide; large; full of space.
definitely without a doubt; certainly.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
donation the gift or contribution thus made.
fee an amount of money requested or paid for a service.
leisure freedom from work or other duties that take time and effort; free time.
minor less important or serious than others of the same kind.
numerous being in great number; many.
pastime an activity that makes the time pass in a pleasant way.
senator a member of a senate, a governmental body that serves in the making of laws for a state or country.
social living in groups or communities instead of alone.
stride to walk with long, even steps.
transformation a major change in the form, shape, character, or nature of something or someone.
wander to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan; roam.