Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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consequential coming after as an outcome or result.
gauche deficient in manners or other conventions of social behavior; boorish; crude.
ideology the body of beliefs, symbols, and political and social aims that characterizes a particular group or institution.
insubstantial lacking firmness or solidity; slight.
maniacal marked by wildness, craziness, and violence.
nuptial of or relating to a wedding ceremony or to marriage.
parsimony excessive unwillingness to spend money or use resources; stinginess.
posterior located behind or toward the back of something.
preclude to prevent from happening by means of prior action or previously established condition.
prototype an original model on which later stages or forms are based or developed.
resonance ability to make a strong or lasting effect, especially because of an emotional association.
restitution the payment of money in order to compensate for damage, loss, or injury.
rudimentary of or pertaining to the basic or first principles; elementary.
skeptical having or showing doubt; questioning.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.