Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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disrespect rudeness; contempt.
downward toward a lower place or condition.
gear any equipment, clothes, or tools used for some particular purpose.
glide to move smoothly and without effort.
neither not one or the other of two (usually paired with "nor" in a sentence).
nonprofit of a business, not established to make more money than is necessary to pay employees and to remain in operation.
occur to take place; happen.
officer a person holding a position of trust and responsibility in a business, organization, or government agency.
preference a person or thing that is liked better.
reverse to turn in an opposite position or direction.
review to examine or look over again.
sail to move over the water.
slit to cut a long straight line into or through.
stride to walk with long, even steps.
tense1 pulled or stretched tightly.