Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something over time.
bride a woman who is about to be married or was just married.
competitor a person, group, or thing engaged in a contest.
diary a daily record of a person's experiences and thoughts.
directly without space or action in between.
faint weak or slight.
grammar the rules for forming the words and sentences of a language. Some of these rules have to be learned. Other rules are already in the head of a native speaker. For example, a native English speaker would not say, "I a cat bitten by was," because the grammar does not make sense. When one learns a new language, most of the rules of its grammar have to be learned.
gravity the force by which all objects in the universe are attracted to each other.
laughter the act or sound of laughing.
lousy (informal) nasty or mean.
merit worth or high quality.
plural having to do with or naming the form of a word that signals more than one.
upstairs on or toward an upper floor; up the stairs.
wad a small mass or ball.
waddle to walk using short steps while rocking from side to side.