Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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acquisition the act or process of obtaining or making one's own.
annex to add or attach to something larger.
degradation the act or process of bringing down or lowering in character or moral purpose.
emit to send out or give off.
eradicate to do away with completely; wipe out.
external of the outside or outer part.
humane showing kindness or mercy.
impartial not favoring one more than another; not prejudiced; fair.
liberal generous.
litigation the act of engaging in a lawsuit.
mortal not living forever; having to die some day.
petty of little importance or interest.
plead to ask for something in a sincere or serious way.
poverty the condition of being poor; a lack of money.
scoff to laugh at, mock, or criticize scornfully (often followed by "at").