Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adequate enough for the situation or need.
adhere to stick or cling firmly (usually followed by "to").
alien someone who lives in a country who is not a citizen of that country.
associate to connect with something else in one's mind.
bachelor a man who has not married.
conjunction a word that connects other words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. "And," "while," and "because" are some conjunctions.
crease a fold or dent made by heat or pressure.
criticize to judge what is good or bad in.
demonstration an activity that shows how something works or how it is made.
ethics the rules of conduct or moral principles of an individual or a group.
haven the place where a ship anchors; harbor or port.
noticeable easily noticed.
pacify to calm or bring back peace of mind to.
physiological of or relating to the vital processes or functions of a living organism or its parts.
revolt to rise up and fight against the government or other authority; rebel.