Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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affordable able to be obtained without excessive sacrifice of money or without incurring serious consequences.
analyze to separate into parts for close study; examine and explain.
aspiration a goal, aim, or ambition.
elite (usually used with a plural verb) the best, taken collectively.
gall1 impudence; nerve.
incidence the frequency with which something happens or the range over which it occurs.
intuitive having or resulting from the ability to know or apprehend without using the process of logical thought or reasoning.
lament to mourn for or regret.
lax not rigorous, strict, or careful; loose; lenient.
probability the condition or fact that something might happen.
realization something that has been suddenly understood; insight.
respectively in the order that two or more people or things have been named.
salvage the act of saving property from destruction.
spiritual of or pertaining to the soul or matters of the soul, the part of a human being that is believed to be the higher or deeper self and not part of the body.
transcontinental going or reaching across a continent.