Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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auspicious likely to be followed by favorable events.
confidant one to whom a secret or secrets are entrusted.
contraband goods banned by law from being imported or exported.
facilitate to make less difficult; help in the doing of.
garish marked by excessive or tasteless color or decoration; gaudy; flashy.
inexorable not subject to change by any force or influence; unyielding or unrelenting.
iota an extremely small amount.
juxtapose to bring together for the purpose of side-by-side comparison or contrast.
morass something that hinders passage or engulfs an unwary person.
morose gloomy or sullen.
nondescript having no individual distinctiveness; lacking in notable features.
possessive having a strong desire to own and keep things.
self-determination the ability or freedom of a people to decide their own form of government.
trenchant incisive or penetrating, as perception or wit.
venial able to be excused, pardoned, or forgiven, as a minor error, offense, or sin. (Cf. mortal.)