Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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apply to make use of or put to use.
ceramic of or having to do with objects made of baked clay.
colonial of or related to a colony or colonies.
detect to discover or notice.
elegant fine or rich in quality.
funeral a ceremony for a dead person.
heir a person who receives or has the right to receive another person's property or title after that person's death.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
machinery machines in general.
partnership a relationship based on a shared activity or goal.
remark a comment or short statement.
revolutionary creating or leading to great change.
sensor a device that detects and responds to certain changes in the environment, such as light, temperature, sound, or pressure.
siphon a tube or pipe used to suck a liquid over the top of its container and into a lower one by means of air pressure.
vegetation plants or plant life in a particular place.