Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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aggression an attack or war against a country started without good cause by another country.
catalyst an agent that causes an interaction between persons or forces without being affected itself.
convene to gather or come together for a meeting.
emblem an object that stands for something; symbol.
factual containing facts; true.
feint a false movement that is meant to trick an opponent by taking attention away from the real target.
heritage something that one believes, thinks, or does that comes from one's family or ethnic background; tradition.
import something that is brought in from another country and usually sold as merchandise.
maintain to continue; keep in existence.
millennium a unit of time equal to one thousand years.
muster to cause to come together; assemble.
negotiable subject to discussion and revision, as terms in an agreement or contract.
robust strong, healthy, and full of energy.
skulk to hide or wait in hiding; lurk.
spiritual of or pertaining to the soul or matters of the soul, the part of a human being that is believed to be the higher or deeper self and not part of the body.