Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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blush to become red in the face because of shame or embarrassment.
careful paying close attention to what one is doing; cautious.
cord a covered wire that carries electricity to a piece of equipment such as a television or lamp.
cry to have tears fall from your eyes as the result of pain, sadness, or another strong feeling.
everywhere in every place; in all places.
float to rest on the surface of a liquid without sinking.
form the shape or structure of something.
lap the front of the body from the waist to the knees when you are sitting.
lightly with little weight or force.
love a strong feeling of liking and caring about another person that usually causes a deep desire to be physically close to that person.
meal1 an occasion when people prepare and eat food at a specific time.
river a large natural stream of water that flows toward a lake, ocean, or other larger body of water.
soak to make completely wet; drench.
twice two times; in two instances.
yell to speak in a very loud voice because you are hurt, afraid, angry, or excited.