Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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ardor very strong feelings; passion; fervor.
connote to suggest or imply (meanings or associations) in addition to the literal meaning.
corrugate to shape or bend or become shaped or bent into parallel, wavelike ridges and grooves.
dalliance a wasting away of time; loitering; dawdling.
deprave to change for the worse, especially morally; corrupt; pervert.
estrange to cause (someone) to change from friendly and sympathetic to hostile or indifferent; alienate.
forage food for animals such as horses or cattle.
incisive marked by clear, penetrating thought; sharp.
motif a distinct formal unit such as a design, theme, or musical phrase that may repeat in, dominate, characterize, or be a prominent feature of an aesthetic or decorative work.
particularity precise or detailed character.
pertinent having to do with or connected to a subject; relevant.
placid calm, smooth, or peaceful.
provident showing wisdom and foresight in planning for the future.
redouble to make twice as great; renew more vigorously; intensify.
remiss careless or negligent, especially in the performance of one's duty.