Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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alas a word used to express sadness or disappointment.
complication something that makes a situation more difficult or involved.
convenient easily used for someone's needs, purposes, or comfort; useful.
educator a person who teaches.
elastic able to stretch easily without breaking and then return to original form.
express to make known (ideas, thoughts, or feelings).
fatigue the condition of being tired in body or mind.
glisten to shine or sparkle with reflected light.
impose to set as something that needs to be followed, done, or obeyed.
prevention the act or process of keeping something unwanted or dangerous from happening.
production the act or process of making or manufacturing.
repair to put in good condition again after damage has been done; fix.
span the stretch or reach between two points.
stroll to walk slowly without a clear goal or purpose.
survivor someone or something that still exists or is still alive after being in danger.