Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adapt to change for a particular use.
affection a friendly feeling of liking or loving someone or something.
artist a person who has skill in painting, drawing, music, or other similar activities.
bravery the quality or condition of not feeling fear; courage.
bride a woman who is about to be married or was just married.
decoration something used to decorate or to make something else more beautiful.
illusion a fantasy or mistaken idea.
jinx someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck.
landscape the appearance or features of the land from one viewpoint.
mall an open space lined with shade trees. A mall is used for walking and enjoyment.
mattress a large pad that supports the body while sleeping, made of a strong fabric filled with soft material such as cotton, hair, straw, or foam rubber.
playoff in sports, final or extra games or rounds to settle a tie or decide a championship.
request the act of asking for something.
scenery the way the land looks in a particular place.
stencil a sheet of some material out of which letters or a pattern has been cut. Paint or ink can pass through stencils to form a design on the surface underneath.