Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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anthropology the scientific study of humankind. People who study anthropology learn about the origins and development of human beings and their societies and customs.
consent to give permission or approval; agree (often followed by "to").
forgo to do without, refrain from, or give up.
icon a person or thing that people recognize as a symbol of something and is an object of great respect and admiration.
instance a case, example or occasion.
knack a natural talent for something.
moderate not too much or too little; within limits.
reference the act or fact of mentioning.
reinforce to add strength to or increase the effect of.
reportedly according to what has been said or according to rumor.
stance the opinions or attitude of someone with regard to something.
status a person's position or rank compared with others.
streamline to alter so as to make simpler or more efficient, compact, or up-to-date.
vat a very large barrel, tub, or tank, used for holding liquids.
vista a distant view as seen from a particular point or through an opening such as between buildings or trees.