Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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commence to begin or start.
dense having parts very close together with little space between.
enthusiasm a strong interest or excitement in connection with something.
everyday happening daily; routine.
headquarters (used with a singular or plural verb) the main office of any organization.
homeless having no place indoors to live.
lately recently.
merit worth or high quality.
mope to act dull and sad; sulk; pout.
punctuate to put commas, periods, apostrophes, and other such marks in a piece of writing.
refer to send or direct to a source for help.
relic something that has survived from the past, such as an object or a custom.
scout a person, ship, or plane sent to spy or gather information.
smear to spread or apply on or over a surface.
tract an area of land or water.