Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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appear to begin to be seen.
club a heavy stick that is used as a weapon.
every each member or part of a group.
forest a large area of land covered with many trees and other plants.
glider a light aircraft without a motor that flies on air currents.
injure to harm or damage.
injury damage or wrong that causes physical or mental pain or hardship.
inspector one who inspects, usually as a job for pay.
league a group of people who have joined together for a special purpose.
mayor the head of government in a village, town, or city.
nightmare a frightening dream.
railroad a road of two connected steel bars along which trains move, or a system of transportation that uses these roads.
rusty covered with rust; not working well.
shut to close by moving something that covers an opening.
terrify to fill with great fear or terror; scare.